Sean McCallum - Fitness Trainer


Gluteus Maximus
The largest of the gluteals, this is the most posterior muscle in the gluteal region and makes up most of the shape of the buttocks.
It is the main extensor of the thigh, and assists with lateral rotation. However, it is only used when force is required, such as running or climbing.
Innervation: Inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus Medius
This muscle lies deep to the gluteus maximum but above the gluteus minimus.
It's purpose is abduction. It also prevents pelvic drop.  With the hip flexed, the gluteus medius is a medial rotator.
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve.
Gluteus Minimus
The gluteus minimus is the deepest and smallest of the gluteal muscles, and it is somewhat triangular shaped.
It's purpose is abduction. It also prevents pelvic drop.  With the hip flexed, the gluteus minimus is a stronger medial rotator than the gluteus medius
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve