Sean McCallum - Fitness Trainer


CKT guides you to maximum muscle in four freakish weeks. You will gain mass and strength through a variety of reps, weights and rest periods. This is your chest and back workout, built on a pyramid of antagonistic supersets.
Day 3: Chest/Back
 Dumbbell Bench Press
5 sets of 40, 30, 20, 10, 10 reps
Bent-Over Dumbbell Row
(squeeze shoulder blades together)
5 sets of 40, 30, 20,10, 10 reps
Dumbbell Chest Flyes
5 sets of 10,10,20,30,40 reps
Lat Pull Down
5 sets of 10,10,20,30,40 reps
Exercise Tips///
Incline Press 
A lot of people neglect upper chest, which is why I start with incline. Use a 3/4 rep range; don't go all the way up. Don't lock your elbows. Instead, keep constant tension on your pecs.
During the positive portion of this movement, you should explode up to engage as many muscle fibers as possible. Keep the weight under control, but lift with force. I prefer dumbbells to a barbell because of the freedom and range of motion.
Trap Rows ///
When performing this exercise, You will also stimulate your lumbar region, working the lower back.
This exercise might look funny, but it will torch your traps and stimulate massive growth.
Learn To Rest ///
Rest, like volume and intensity, is an important training variable. Throughout the CKT workouts, you rest longer every time you increase the weight.
At the beginning of each workout, you rest 45 seconds between supersets. Increase your rest period by 15 seconds every time the reps drop and the weights increase. When you hit the heaviest weight, you can rest for two full minutes.
As you increase reps again during the second half of each workout, shorten each rest period accordingly.
Foam Rolling ///
At the start of my workouts, I don't warm up, especially when I'm starting with a high-rep superset. Instead, I start with a foam-rolling session, giving extra attention to larger body parts (back, legs, etc).
I specifically roll my lat muscles, because it's hard to get that mind-muscle connection. I locate any knots I may have in the area and, when I find a knot, I hold the roll until the pain starts to dissipate.
I focus on that single point and just slowly roll it farther and until the muscle is relaxed. 
Weight Watcher ///
Choose your starting weight based on experience. For someone new to CKT, it will take a little bit of trial and error to find the right starting weight.
Every time you hit a new rep range, adjust the weight so you hit failure at the prescribed rep total.
Stretch It ///
Between every set, I stretch my lats and my pecs to make sure the tendons and ligaments are warm and ready for more weight. I also stretch to work the muscle fascia, which is a sheath around your muscles that may limit growth.
By stretching the fascia, I hope to encourage greater muscle gains.
Wrap Or Snap ///
I use wraps on my wrists because I have weak wrists. I have broken my wrists. I want to make sure they are fully supported so I am able to push in an explosive manner, without putting unnecessary strain on my wrists.
When I start lifting heavier back exercises, I put on some wrists straps to make sure my grip doesn't go. If I put on wrist straps, I know that all my focus is on my back, and not my weakest link, my grip.
Middle Motivation ///
You should be more motivated halfway through this workout than you were at the start, because this is where it gets challenging.
This is where you have to head-check yourself. Are you a many or a boy? Are you going to fail and quit, or will you fail to succeed?
For more motivation, turn up your music. I put on Slipknot, Motӧrhead, anything that is going to get me that endorphin rush. Dig deep and visualize the physique you want to achieve. I want to attain a physique that people deem "unnatural." I want to do something that others can't. Challenge your limits and keep pushing.
Every set is harder than the last. Even when the seventh set feels like it's the hardest, the ninth will be harder. You have to suck in more oxygen. You deal with a lot of lactic acid. If you can't get your reps out, rest/pause until you hit your numbers. Hold the weights steady, rest, then keep repping. Don't quit until you finish the set.