Sean McCallum - Fitness Trainer


In round two, you need to impress the judges with your muscle tone in a "relaxed" state. Most bodybuilders flex their abs and quads to the max and every other group at least 50% with a relaxed look.
However, you don't want to be told to quit flexing by the judges - this can be embarrassing. Pay attention to what the others ahead of you get away with and follow suit.Pay Attention To What Others Ahead Of You Do.
You want to stand with your heels together and arms at your sides. Your body must be displayed from the front, back, and both sides. How you stand and the positions of your arms, legs, and torso are all individual preferences. Experiment in the mirror and see what looks good.
One recommendation is to put up two mirrors on opposite walls so you can see what your back looks like and practice your back pose. If you set up a flat light over the main mirror, you can really check out your physique objectively.